Youth Migration to Cities | युवाओं का शहरों की ओर पलायन

Youth Migration to Cities |  युवाओं का शहरों की ओर पलायन
Social Issues

Villages in India have been the centre of our cultural heritage and traditions for centuries. But in the last few decades, there has been a rapid migration of youth from villages to cities. This trend has deeply affected the social, economic, and cultural life of villages. Let us understand this issue in detail and discuss its effects.

Migration of Youth: Causes

Lack of employment opportunities: Villages mainly depend on agriculture and small industries. After getting modern education, youth move to cities in search of better employment prospects.

Lack of education: Better facilities for higher education and technical education are mostly available in cities. Lack of quality education in villages is also a major reason for migration.

Lack of facilities: Lack of health, transportation, and other basic facilities in villages attracts youth to cities, where they expect a better lifestyle.

Impact on village life

1. Reduction in agriculture and production: When youth migrate to cities for work, the number of people engaged in agriculture in the village decreases. This leads to a decline in the agricultural production capacity of the village.

2. Degradation of culture and traditions: The younger generation is the carrier of the traditional culture and customs of the village. Their migration reduces the cultural activities of the village, making it difficult to preserve traditions.

3. Population imbalance: Old people and children are the main residents of the villages. This imbalance weakens the social structure of the village, and the pace of progress of the village slows down.

4. Economic crisis: When the youth leave the village and go to the city, the economic prosperity of the village also decreases with them. Due to limited employment opportunities in the village, the economic condition of the village becomes weak.

Steps towards solution

1. Village industry and self-employment: By promoting small and cottage industries in villages, employment opportunities can be provided to the youth in the village itself. This can prevent them from going to the city.

2. Education and skill development: Training centers should be established in villages for quality education and skill development. This can make the youth eligible for employment locally.

3. Development of infrastructure: If facilities like health, electricity, water and transport are improved in villages, then migration towards cities can be reduced.

4. Innovation in agriculture: Farming can be made profitable and attractive by adopting modern technology and scientific methods. This will increase the interest of youth in agriculture and they will work while living in villages.


Migration of youth towards cities is a big challenge, which affects the social and economic structure of the village. However, this trend can be stopped by developing employment and facilities in villages through proper plans and policies. Complete development of India is not possible without the development of villages, so there is a need to take concrete steps towards providing employment and opportunities to the youth in the villages itself.

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