PGDCA Previous Year Questions (Python)

1. Compare Break and Continue statement, illustrate the use of both statements through a suitable code in python.

2. How do Mutable data types differ from Immutable data types ? Briefly discuss the syntax and utility of the following data types in python :

(i) Lists

(ii) Tuples

(iii) Dictionaries

3. What are Co-routines ? Explain, how the co-routines support multitasking in Python.

4. Discuss the following terms in context of python. (Give example for each) : 

(i) Framework

(ii) Library

(iii) Package

(iv) Module

Also, give relation between them.

5. Discuss the function of connect( ) method of MySQL. Connection interface in Python. List the arguments involved in the connect( ) method. Write a python code to create database Employee_DB and prepare connection to suitable Employee_DB. (Make assumptions necessary). whereever 

6. What are Generators in Python ? Compare Generators and Lists. Also, discuss the utility of Generators in Python.

7. What is Jython ? How does Jython work ? Compare module and package in context of Python.

8. What are generators in Python ? Compare generators and lists. Also discuss utility of generators in Python.

9. What are iterators in Python ? How do iterators differ from iterables ? Give example of each. 

10.  What are co-routines ? How do co-routines support cooperative multitasking Python ?

11. What are Pandas ? Write steps to import, read and print a CSV file using Pandas. Also, transform your steps in to suitable code in Python.

12. What are lists ? How do lists differ from arrays ? What do you understand by the term “Lists are mutable but tuples are immutable” ? Write syntax for creation of list and accessing the last element of the list.

13. Write Python code to perform the following : (i) Copy a file first.txt to second.txt (ii) Reading a file (iii) Writing to a file (iv) Appending content to a file

14. What are tuples in Python ? What do you understand by the term ‘‘tuples are immutable’’ ? Write Python syntax for creation, printing and accessing specific element of the tuple.

15. What does map( ) function do ? Write a program in Python to print the cube of the numbers present in the list, by using map( ) function.

16. Write Python codes to perform the following :

(i) Reading data from a file.

(ii) Creating a file and adding contents to it.

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