printf() and scanf() in C

In C programming, printf() and scanf() are essential functions for handling input and output.


The printf() function is used to display formatted output to the console. Its syntax is:

int printf(const char *format, ...);

The format string contains format specifiers that determine how the subsequent arguments are presented. Common specifiers include ?or integers, ?or floating-point numbers, ?or characters, and %s for strings. For example:

printf("Age: %d, Height: %.1f\n", age, height);

This displays the values of age and height in a formatted manner.


The scanf() function reads formatted input from the user. Its syntax is:

int scanf(const char *format, ...);

Similar to printf(), it uses format specifiers to identify the type of data expected. For example, %d reads an integer and %f reads a float. The variables where the input will be stored must be passed by reference using the address-of operator (&):

scanf("%d", &age);

Together, printf() and scanf() provide a robust way to interact with users, enabling effective input and output handling in C programs.

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